Bad Dental Effects of Stress

Stress is the number one enemy to most individuals. Based on a reliable survey, 75 percent of men and women are suffering from  this problem . Some of the most common reasons are money and work. While lots of us become unaware of the detrimental effects of stress, it pays  to learn that stress can also cause chaos to your teeth.

The majority of us today are living life with stress. While others remain calm and immune to this, one must learn that feeling stressed is perilous.Bad Dental Effects of Stress 300x200 - Bad Dental Effects of Stress

When a person is covered with stress, his body finds a way to handle the issue. The body releases a number of hormones which possibly can contribute to a handful of health-related problems. For this reason, most stressed individuals suffer from: consistent headaches, nausea, weight loss or gain, sleeping problems and dental difficulties. Thanks to mental pressure. With this, major dental problems find ways to inflict bad things to the dental health.

One of the common issues caused by stress is tooth erosion. Tooth erosion is often caused by acid attack which may result to the loss of tooth enamel. Also known as enamel erosion, this dental condition is related to stress which is backed and agreed by few dental specialists.

A person who is under stress often suffers from stomach problems. The upset gut experienced by these individuals is induced by the nervous system, particularly the brain-gut axis. The effect alone can trigger numbers of dental issues, including erosion. Since a stressed individual usually finds ways to handle the situation, he often encounters several issues like slow digestion which triggers loss of appetite and frequent vomiting. The latter itself has links to a dental problem called tooth erosion.

Moreover, stress is known to alter the person’s immunity.

Our body has its ways to fight infections and diseases. This is due to the number of intricate networks like the self-regulatory immune system. While the body is well, everything falls smoothly to its rightful places. But if not, you can kiss your healthy body goodbye.

Just like tooth erosion a person suffering from stress is vulnerable to a weakened immune system. This is due to the reduced amount of fighting hormones. Experts say stress reduces the level of thymus gland, the hormones that produce white blood cells to fight various diseases and can damage cell reproduction genes. With stress  expect to suffer from a  low and weak immune system. This can lead to gum disease.

Gum disease is known as a condition or infection of tissues that support your teeth. Studies show, stress and a compromised immune system stimulate and enhance your chances of getting this problem.  Dental specialists conveyed that one of the common effects of a poor immune system and stress is bad breath or halitosis. It also promotes tooth loss.

If you are affected with stress, you easily get irritated and annoyed. This obviously isn’t a great thing. One sensible thing to prevent this is biting your tongue. Sadly, biting of the tongue and clenching of teeth and jaws encourage wearing and tearing of teeth. Aside from that, stress activates severe headaches, neck pain and increased level of anxiety.With a professional dentist you’ll find it easier to handle stress!

Remember that proper dental care is best given by skilled and reputable folks here at .