Basic Dental Care Tips for Deciduous Teeth

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Dental care is advised even before your mom gives you birth. That is why their dentists always recommend them to monitor their dental health, in behalf of their babies. The truth is pregnant women who neglect their dental health affect the unborn baby. No wonder why early tooth decay exists.

To avoid this, expectant moms should follow the basic dental care tips. This promotes wholesome deciduous teeth.

Otherwise known as baby teeth or primary teeth, deciduous teeth are your baby’s first set of teeth. The teeth are developed inside your gums and are remained buried until six months. The stage of baby teeth development is enclosed with teething process. More often than not, baby teeth come in pairs. The first pair of teeth to erupt is located at the lower central incisors. This is at your lower jaw. As your toddler reaches two, she’s expected to have her first complete set of teeth.

Deciduous teeth always come in pairs. Why? The very reason is to allow your baby’s jaw to sustain the permanent set of teeth despite how small their mouth is. This will also follow with proper alignment and spacing. Studies show, securing a healthy baby tooth is one of the most essential things to achieve well-occlusion of primary teeth with proper alignment and spacing. In short, it helps prepare your kids for the permanent teeth.

Some parents think baby teeth are less important. This is because they are temporary. They naturally grow and naturally fall out. However, our emergency dentists in Brooklyn NY disagrees to this way of thinking. Since baby teeth help your toddler prepare for the permanent ones, it pays to consider the basic dental care tips for deciduous teeth.

Early cavities are just among the results of overlooking the baby teeth. That is why dentists always encouraged parents to start their kid’s dental care at early stage. Through oral hygiene, your baby can avert the risks of tooth decay. The deed becomes twice important once the kid experiences her first teething. The teething process happens when the first tooth erupts. This makes your kid suffer from major discomfort and pain which makes her prickly and irritable.

By simply rubbing your kid’s gums using wet washcloth, the pain is reduced. Parents can also use a piece of gauze. The material should be gently applied to the baby’s gums twice per day. Therefore, it should be after meal and before bedtime. Dentists proved that this method can wash away the bacteria and can prevent your kids from getting dental plaques and cavities.

As your kid celebrates her first birthday, parents must also start brushing their teeth twice daily. Most pediatricians recommend a soft brush with small head and large handle. This will give you a good grip you brush. You can also include dental flossing in your list. Dental flossing is pretty essential in removing food particles that cannot be reached by your soft toothbrush. It fights plaques and definitely prevents cavities.

At the age of 1, securing baby teeth is best achieved through your kid’s first dental visit. A pediatrician on board helps you handle your kid’s dental health.