Handling Emergency Tooth Pain

Tooth pain or widely known as toothache is among the most prevalent dental issues in United States alone. Tooth pain can provide discomfort and pain due to the plaque stuck in our teeth. They viciously attack the tooth enamel which leaves deep soreness and pain. This kind of dental issue however can be handled efficiently provided also the basic steps including the proper hygiene like brushing your teeth for at least twice per day as well as flossing your teeth once per day. Based on research, tooth pain is one of the dental issues why people seek urgent dental aid. This type of problem can also happen due to various reasons and may require immediate assistance if the condition itself is greatly affected by our daily activities like eating. This matter now boils down to emergency tooth pain.

6883598900 d4e424651d 150x150 - Handling Emergency Tooth PainHere at emergency dentist Brooklyn we take this seriously. Emergency tooth pain is a condition wherein a person suffers from too much pain and must be handled by a professional immediately. Most of the times, this kind of condition worsen during night leaving a person restless and in deep pain. There are actually many treatments given so as to cater this dilemma such as tooth extraction, root canal treatment and filing. Tooth extraction is the removal of the diseased tooth to halt the tooth pain. Dental filing or dental restoration on the other hand, is the restoration of the missing tooth structure while root canal treatment is a type of sequential method that is used to address the tooth’s pulp. Emergency tooth pain can happen at any time of the day and it is very essential to know the basic things to do especially if your personal dentist is away.

According to experts, the very first thing to do when an emergency tooth pain arises is to take a pain reliever or painkiller. Ibuprofen and aspirin are pain reliever medications that can take away pain instantly. Aside from the aforementioned medications, Tylenol is also effective when dealing with tooth pain. In addition to the pain reliever options, cold compress can also help you work with emergency tooth pain. Simply fill a bag with an ice and wrapped it with a piece of cloth. Apply the compress just outside the tooth particularly to the cheek area. This method can help ease the pain. The third basic step that you can do in order to treat emergency tooth pain is to the numb the concerned area. Simply buy a numbing gel in a convenient store near you and apply it directly to the affected area. This is actually effective and may last for a couple of hours.

As we all know, emergencies are inevitable which leaves emergency tooth pain a no-exception issue. This condition can give you frustrations and annoyance considering the hassle it provides in your daily living. If you want to avoid this kind of dental problem, make sure to practice proper oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day and apply proper flossing once a day. Finally, always seek your dentist for regular checkups to prevent any oral conditions over the long haul.