Improve Jaw Health thru Surgical Orthodontics

Improve Jaw Health thru Surgical Orthodontics 300x149 - Improve Jaw Health thru Surgical Orthodontics

When you desire a perfect smile, you should know it’s not just about having straight teeth. You need to have a perfectly angled jaw, too. Therefore, you should consider the most advisable therapy to achieve straight jaws, the surgical orthodontics.

Surgical orthodontics corrects your jaws. Aside from helping you achieve a perfect smile, this can help you prevent jaw-related disorders, like bruxism. Since surgical orthodontics correct your jaw’s alignment, expect your jaw joints to get treated, too. This procedure will help you prevent any potential risks of surrounding joints diseases; not to mention, it helps you realize facial balance and perfect aesthetics.

Without a doubt, surgical orthodontics are beneficial. Since this jaw surgery is part of your orthodontic dental care plan, you can ensure an improved jaw health and dental health. Should you consider this option, there are three stages you need to undergo.

The first phase of this therapy is the pre-surgical orthodontics. This is the stage where your dentist allows you to use dental braces to move or shift your teeth into its perfect places. Once your teeth are on its desired position, you will proceed to second phase. This phase is the jaw surgery itself. The phase will involve the help of an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. The surgery will require your orthodontist to cut the jawbone and to move the bone segments. Once done, your dentist will perform incisions in your mouth. The treatment will last for hours, depending on your case. The last stage is the post-surgery orthodontics. This is the phase where your dentist will conduct adjustments if needed. Usually, this stage begins within eight weeks from the day of your surgery.

Surgical orthodontics most likely involves your lower and upper jaw. However, this depends on your case. Just consult your orthodontist for assessment. Professional consultation with your dentist will also help you understand if surgical orthodontics is best or suitable for you. Similar with other therapies, surgical orthodontics is not for all.

The surgical orthodontics usually last for 24 months. Of course, that depends on what jaw problem you encounter. Visit an emergency dentist in Brooklyn NY now to learn more.