Learn the Post & Crown Procedure

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Dentists allow us to think of our oral health. Their professional expertise gives us heads up on dental problems and how can we prevent or overcome them. One pertinent solution they give is the use of post and crown procedure.

Majority of dental treatments nowadays aim to secure your tooth. Dental crown is the living proof to that. This dental therapy promotes preservation of your tooth regardless how bad it experienced due to trauma or cavities. As per stated by experts, dental crown often requires a post. The post procedure helps your crown to keep the restoration in place. Therefore, post and crown procedures are suitable for those who have broken tooth or a tooth that has no enough strength to hold a crown.

The post and crown procedures are fit for individuals with heavily decayed teeth. This also applicable for those with no enough tooth structure left to hold a crown due to broken tooth areas near the gum line.

There are three parts you can learn about post and crown procedure. These three parts are the post, core and crown. The post or dental post contains metal rods that act as anchors of the core which keeps your crown in place. The core, on the contrary, is a filling material that builds or restores your tooth’s perfect structure. This helps provide accurate basis for your customized and natural-looking dental crown.

The post and crown procedure most like takes place after your root canal treatment. The procedure involves removing of some filling materials from the roots of your tooth to make or create rooms for the post. This will allow it to look like slightly above your gum line. Whilst your dentist cements the post in your canal, he will start building the surrounding core. Your dentist will ensure a secure base to make your crown perfectly shaped. A dental impression will then follow. Impressions are vital especially when your dentist will send to the dental lab to create the most fitting dental crowns.

Just like other personalized dental procedures, your dentist will attach the newly made crowns after it has made in the lab. Usually, your dentist will cement the crowns to your post. However, there are cases where posts aren’t applicable. Your dentist can apply or perform dental crown procedure with or without a post.

Having a crown or not, you still need dental care. Dental care is the most basic dental deed you should in your daily routine. This will prevent all dental problems, including severe decay of teeth. Unfortunately, not all are aware of this. This causes us more exposed to dental threats which eventually affect our overall health. Obviously, we are all aware of the specific links of dental health and body. There are countless oral symptoms that can cause general health conditions, like diabetes and stroke.

Dental treatments, such as post and crown, are a blessing to us all. All we need to remember is to always work with a professional and reputable dentist. Professional dentists offer emergency dental care that cater different therapies, including post and crown.