Surviving the Holiday Feasts with Healthy Teeth and Gums

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People wait the holidays with full of excitement. The holidays are always the best time to indulge in candies, cakes, and pies as well as drinking beer and wine.  This also means that our dental care might be pushed aside or completely forgotten this time of the year. Of course, this shouldn’t be the case. Celebrating the holidays doesn’t mean you can ignore your teeth and gum health completely.

Drinking beer and having fun is ever present no matter where you go on holidays. You could enjoy your cold one and still take care of your teeth at the same time. There may be controversies revolving the benefits of beer on your teeth but it all boils down to your brewer and the regulation of your drinking.  Commercial bee

rs are loaded with sugar and are highly acidic which harms and erodes your enamel. However, local brewers who follow the old

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ways of making beer have lesser sugar content on their beers. Beer actually has perks that fabricates antimicrobial agents in your mouth. The hops stop the growth of bad bacteria in your mouth by disrupting the enzymes of the bacteria to clump together and form plaque. This isn’t a license to load up on beer though. Drink in moderation to enjoy the benefits of beer to enjoy more on the holidays. Drink water to wash away the acidity each time you drink beer. These are times that you have to drink water more often to counter the effects of alcoholic drinks on your mouth.

The sweet treats like pies and cakes make the holidays extra sweet. These desserts are loaded with sugar which is the favorite food of bad bacteria in your mouth. Consuming these kinds of foods on holidays increases your chances of developing dental plaques especially when you fail to brush and floss after. Food particles stuck in between your teeth are havens of plaque and acid formation that destroys the enamel. This is the reason why many people get tooth decay after the holidays. You get too relaxed and forget that the sugars in your mouth stay longer as you eat and drink sodas and eat cakes and pastries.

Eating sticky and sweet foods not only cause tooth decay, it also leaves stains on your teeth. You will have tooth discoloration as you age but the food you eat makes this faster and more apparent. Instead of eating plenty of cakes, you should eat seasonal fruits and vegetables that are rich in fiber and nutrients. Fibrous fruits help remove dental plaques and promote saliva production that washes away bad bacteria. Fresh fruits and vegetables also taste better on the holidays.

No matter where you go or what holiday you are celebrating, it is necessary to put your health first. Take care of your teeth and gums by eating fruits and vegetables to boost your immune system. Brushing your teeth and regular dental visits are useless if you eat sugary foods and drinks. You can learn from this when you see a dentist who works in emergency dental 24 hours.