Domestic Violence Survivors

The Integral Role of Dentists to Domestic Violence Survivors 300x213 - Domestic Violence Survivors

More than five million Americans annually are victimized by domestic violence. This issue happens not only in schools or workplaces but even inside your home. In terms of intimate partner violence, researchers reported 1.5 million victims. Majority of these individuals sustain injuries to the face, neck and head.

While lots of experts raise awareness on this issue, only few publicized the dental problems which might be experienced by the survivors.

According to an emergency dentist Brooklyn , the abuse created by domestic violence can create trauma. This affects the jaw and teeth of a person. No doubt why majority of domestic abuse victims experience broken jaw and chipped or knocked-out teeth. Fortunately, victims nowadays can resort help from dentists. These dental practitioners support victims of domestic violence by providing excellent dental services, like cosmetic dental care treatments.

In the past, most victims of domestic violence receive no help due to not reported attacks. For this reason, dental problems’ rate elevated. As a way to minimize this phenomenal problem, dentists made contacts with domestic violence victims.

We all know that dentistry is a complicated science. This involves a number of trained dental care providers who can easily detect a person who goes through an abuse. During dental exam, the dentist observes the patient’s teeth. Most victims of abuse have chipped or fractured teeth. This is combined with other indicators of abuse, like dental anxiety, unusual bruising, poor explanations about the damage and emotional withdrawal.

Dentists who detect the signs are advised to address the dental issue. In other words, they are not encouraged to aggravate the situation by giving advices on how to handle the problem. Instead, they give information on how to get help from local services.

As a mean to support domestic abuse victims, dentists developed a program that can restore their confidence and smiles.

The “Give Back A Smile” program is the most popular venture offered to victims. The objective is to restore the self-confidence and smiles of domestic abuse survivors. This is one of the foundations made by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, a well-known national dental association. Give Back A Smile program offers cosmetic dental care treatments for free! The treatments are administered by volunteered dentists of the AACD.

If you are a victim of domestic abuse, visit a professional cosmetic dentist. They can help you correct your chipped, broken and knocked-out teeth caused by domestic violence.