The Real Score with Teeth Whitening Chewing Gums

The Real Score with Teeth Whitening Chewing Gums 1 300x152 - The Real Score with Teeth Whitening Chewing Gums

Our generation got the type of mindset that wants instant results. It is often said that we all want instant gratification and lack patience. Perhaps it comes as a weakness but oftentimes it is our way of making our minds work on things to have our desired results faster.

When it comes to emergency dentist Brooklyn and cosmetic dental procedures, tooth whitening is at the top of the list. Achieving perfect smile is such a priority in a society that pretty much dictates what is attractive and pleasing to the eyes. Different products were made that revolves ultimately on teeth whitening like toothpaste, gels, chewing gums and many more. This is an effort to make teeth whitening at your homes possible. One product is controversial as it claims can whiten your teeth like your usual toothpaste can. Here are some points to know about tooth whitening gums and its contents.

Chewing Gums 

Before expecting drastic results, you must consider the current color of your teeth and the ingredients of the chewing gums that can actually help with the staining.

Below are the active ingredients that teeth whitening gums have.

Calcium Peroxide. Some whitening gums possess this ingredient to oxidize the stains that are present on the tooth’s enamel. It pushes out the stains making it easier to remove them when you brush.

Titanium Dioxide. This is an abrasive agent that helps in polishing and scrubbing your tooth’s enamel. As you chew the gum, the teeth are scrubbed to take away the layer that has the stains exposing the real color of the enamel which is naturally white.

Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking soda). This ingredient is a mild abrasive agent. It helps in the over-all abrasive quality of the gum. This also removes dental plaques and other impurities in the teeth as you chew.

Citrate/Citric Acid. These ingredients are used to melt away the layers of the enamel that have stains. This easily softens the minerals on your teeth.

Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate. This ingredient removes calcified plaques on teeth. It is abrasive and targets aggregation of plaque on your gum line.

Sodium Ascorbate & Malic Acid. These acids present on some brands of gums are mildly acidic and also aims to erode the outer layer of the enamel where stains are present. This is to help in taking away stains easily.

These ingredients are common ingredients present in some gum brands. Not all the whitening chewing gums are made equal so you need to research and ask for your dentist’s approval before using these types of products to avoid sensitivity.

Tooth staining is very natural and to maintain that really bright smile you need to reach out to your dentist. Your tooth’s enamel naturally wears out as you age making your teeth yellowish. Eating chewing gums after a meal could have serious effects on your teeth. The mouth becomes acidic after meals and is more prone to erosion.

You better watch out for the effects of teeth whitening and regularly do your oral care routine to keep your teeth for a long time.