Wonders of Mini Dental Implants

With the increasing number of dental restoration methods today, having oral problems like missing tooth, gum disease and root canal failure is no longer an issue. Dentistry today has been incredibly advancing today most especially to the part where implant dentistry in concerned. As of today, millions of people are utilizing dental implants when enhancing the aesthetics of their teeth. Whether they have to replace the missing tooth or desired to address their periodontal issue. Speaking of dental implants, are you aware about the term Mini Dental Implants? If not, read the facts below and see whether you are candidate for this treatment. Also, you can see my latest blog post for further details.
The Wonders of Mini Dental Implants 300x225 - Wonders of Mini Dental Implants

Dentures are truly beneficial in terms of supporting perfect smile. However, there comes a time where this dental tool wears off. This occurrence is inevitable particularly to the lower denture. The great news here is that, there’s now an advanced system that can stabilize the dentures. This high-end technique is also known as the Mini Dental Implant. Don’t get me wrong. Just because they have the word ‘mini’ doesn’t mean they have small benefits. MDI

Dental Implant– or technologically known as MDI Dental Implant–is a dental stabilization system that can treat floating lower dentures. Like the traditional dental implants, MDI dental implant is also fused on the patient’s jaw bone, providing a superb support just the common implant procedure. Due to this, a lot of dental experts deemed this procedure as a retaining fixture of damaged dentures. Nevertheless, don’t get confused between the traditional dental implant and MDI dental implant. There are actually more than a few differences between the two of them. Unlike the traditional dental implants, mini dental implant is solely made only to support the lower dentures. In most cases, they are made to give support on dental crowns. In terms of sizes, MDI dental implants are also quite smaller compared to conventional implants. On top of that, mini dental implants are less expensive – which is financially beneficial to average patients.

MDI dental implants are made available in different sizes. To know your right size, you need to consult your dentist or oral surgeon. One great factor also that you can relish from mini dental implants is the number of hours for completion. Unlike the traditional dental implant, mini dental implant can be done only in one visit. Most of the time, it only takes 1.5 hours. In this dental process, the dentist doesn’t need incision method and will only apply local anesthesia to the part where the implant will be set.

Just like the traditional method of implants, MDI dental implant is not also made for everybody. In short, not all individuals are good candidate to consider such treatment. For further information whether you are fit or not, contact your dentist straight away. Remember, you can be a candidate for this procedure if you have solid jaw bone. Take note: if you suffer from severe health conditions like diabetes, there’s a huge probability that MDI dental implant is not perfect for you.

If you want to avoid this kind of treatment, always keep in mind to follow the right tips of dental care. Remember that saving your oral health means saving your overall wellness.