Threats of Online Gaming Addiction

Drugs and alcohol are overrated addiction. To see someone highly engrossed to these vices is no longer a surprise. However, a certain hobby takes a leap in today’s trend especially during the outbreak of pandemic. Most people love to call this online gaming addiction.

Online games are considered an interactive learning environment. According to surveys, computer games have become the most popular attraction in recent times as its audience are not just mere kids and young adolescence, but also adults and even elderly.

In 1972, computer games were released in form of Pang. It’s an online tennis game both developed in hardware and software systems. As this game storms its way in to the global market, many were attracted and enticed to participate. Hence, started the addiction of online games. This threatens the social and economic status because many are now willing to spend most of their time playing online games rather than watch TV, work and even socialize.

With this, it is very imperative to spend such hobby with discipline because it may trigger adverse reactions such as:

Changed behavior is very common as online games have the capacity to influence the mind and awareness of a person. For example, the harshness found inside the game could be used by the gamer in real life. This was proven by statistics conducted by Brooklyn dentist where most children who have frustrations and express aggressive behavior are attached to online games.

Isolating oneself for a long period of time is sometimes caused by excessive exposure to online games. Gamers tend to disconnect themselves to the real world because they prefer solace inside the game. This explains why a lot of people have less experience in connecting and communicating with people particularly with family and friends.

Learning bad values continues to grow inside the game. Most of these are even applied in real life pretty badly. Gamers think these actions are okay in real life when it shouldn’t exist and do in and outside the game. For example, cursing and yelling for no particular reason.

Negative health reactions are very common results due to online gaming addiction. Spending too much time in front of the computer or mobile phones can cause pimples, obesity, eating disorder, body disorder and eye problems. Moreover, these side effects may contribute to further health issues which may jeopardize the entire well-being.

Distraction on mental and physical welfare means the urge to let yourself interact to other people inside the game but refuse to socialize in real life situation. A lot of students now are having problem of their performance in academic because of playing the online addiction.

Having a hobby can reduce stress, yes. But always be responsible in choosing what to engage. Do not let online games consume you.