Tooth Extraction’s Importance

What is tooth extraction? It is the removal of an individual’s tooth from its socket in the bone. Tooth extraction is a procedure for tooth that can’t be treated by root canal or crown. Why is it necessary? Having your tooth removed during adulthood is sometimes necessary. Tooth extraction is recommended to those who are suffering from tooth decay, tooth infection, and crowding. It can be performed by both dentist and oral surgeon.

Before having your tooth extraction scheduled, your dentist will perform an X-ray of your tooth. An individual’s dentist must know what kind of medications they take, as well as vitamins, supplements and over the counter drugs. According to research, dentists will give a patient some movement to expand their socket in order to remove the tooth, but before that local anesthesia is given to numb the surrounding gums, bone, and tooth. People who are facing tooth extraction may experience a little daunting and nerve-wracking.

Also before you undergo the tooth extraction, your Brooklyn emergency dentist must know if you have any type of conditions, such as diabetes, hypertension, a congenital heart defect, and what not. Any dentist may want to make sure that your conditions are stable or treated before performing the tooth extraction. And you might be given or prescribed antibiotic in days until the procedure if your surgery is expected to be long, have an infection or weakened immune system, and have a certain medical condition.

After you have had your tooth removed, your dentist will ask you to bite  down gently on a piece of dry, sterile gauze, which you should keep in place for up to 30 to 45 minutes to limit bleeding, and shall send you home to recover. You can’t eat properly for a while and for the first week— crunchy foods will be difficult for you to eat. Tooth extraction can be painful but it usually take a week to recover, till then you might experience some discomfort. You can reduce the risk infection and fasten your recovery by:

  • Taking painkillers as prescribed by the dentist
  • Using an ice pack to your check after the procedure to address the swelling issue. You may use it every 10 minutes.
  • Rest and relax for the first 24 hours.
  • Don’t drink from a straw for the first 24 hours.
  • Don’t rinse for 24 hours directly after the tooth extraction, and keep in mind that you should spit gently.
  • Avoid crisps and eat soft foods, like soup, pudding and etc. after the tooth extraction.
  • While you lie down, use a pillow to pop your head up.
  • You can continue brushing and flossing your teeth, but be careful. Be sure to avoid the extraction site. If you do this, it will help prevent infection.

If you’re suffering from tooth decay, tooth infection and what not, it is much better if they need to be removed because it will be more painful to keep them in.