Tracking Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

If there’s one frequent problem that most people go through, UTI is one of them. The condition affects all sorts of individuals but mostly kids. The primary reason is that kids, including their parents, failed to monitor their hygiene especially after having a bowel movement. Nevertheless, anyone who exercises poor hygiene isn’t an exemption to this problem.

The great news is urinary tract infection is now preventable and of course, can be cured – with proper assistance from a healthcare provider.

Popularly known as UTI, urinary tract infection is a condition that starts in the opening of your urethra. It takes place whenever the urine moves up to the urinary tract, carrying a bacterium that grows. Escherichia coli or E. coli is the common type of bacteria involving UTI. This infection normally lives in the anus and most likely to move all the way through your urethra’s opening. Urinary tract infection emits when urinating isn’t enough to discharge the bacterial infection. Too much bacteria can travel to the bladder and cause serious infection.

UTI can take place and happen to anyone. However, there are certain conditions or types of people that are susceptible to it. According to research, UTI usually happens to those who don’t have proper hygiene and are sexually active. Individuals who have suppressed immune system are, too, prone to this infection. For example: people who are afflicted with HIV, diabetes and who are undergoing immunosuppressant medicinal drugs, like chemotherapy. Young children and infants are exposed to UTI as well. This is due to bacteria that affect the bloodstream and cause infection. Kids who don’t wipe and wash their hands after a bowel movement also get their fair share of having this infection. This is the very reason why it pays to exercise proper hygiene starting childhood.

Fortunately, UTI isn’t contagious. But this doesn’t make this problem less of a burden in the society. Most especially now that almost half of the population today are afflicted with this problem.

Learning the signs and symptoms of UTI may give you an edge against this dilemma. The several warning indications of this infection are:

  • blood in urine
  • bladder discomfort/issues
  • difficulty or painful urinating
  • foul smell of urine
  • fever
  • frequent urination
  • rectal and abdominal pressure

Educating yourself and your loved ones about this important link truly helps you in maintaining your well-being in perfect shape. There are preventive techniques against UTI. Number one is drinking water diligently. Water and fluids, like cranberry juice, help wash away the possible penetration of bacteria. Number two is practicing proper hygiene. Make sure to properly wipe yourself (front to back routine) after bowel movement. This cleans and prevents bacteria from entering the anus. Number three is ensuring to empty the bladder after sex.

UTI may not be contagious but it can leave permanent scars to your urinary tract. Therefore, if you experience any of the warning signs above, visit a professional physician immediately.